There are dedicated, managed, and cloud hosting companies everywhere you look these days, but few of them actually own their own servers or have physical control over them. Plus, in an industry that has seen massive consolidation over the past five years, there are even fewer providers left that still offer the old school value server, at rock bottom prices.
We asked ourselves is this: We’re all nerds and geeks who know what we’re doing, at least those of us who are looking for hosting, right? So why do we need someone to manage a server and triple charge us for it when we’re still going to do all the work anyway? It isn’t right, and it’s sure not fair. We all use the same processors, the same memory, and the same hard drives. The difference is in our philosophy: we want value just like you… and we hate those chat popups that appear every 30 seconds.
This is where TruSurv comes in. We’re like you. We’re geeks and nerds. We’re here because you have a need, and we want to fill it.