The World Servers have been around since 2012. We at The World Servers offer quality hardware with reasonable limits on the number of users per server, at a fair price that everyone can afford, and most of all with the best service possible.
We are offering exceptional technical support and quality customer service this is why we created The World Servers.
The World Servers is run by Linux / Windows pro’s and also hosting specialists. Customer service is most important to us. We will be pleased to answer any and all questions. Our goal is to provide the best possible hardware and service for your money whether it is our Basic package or our Max plan we offer you the same quality of service.
Our windows / Linux VPS are hosted on North America and European servers, with Unmetered bandwidth and 1Gig Link, We have managed/unmanages servers & we provide top-notch customer service,wih personal tech of individual accounts.
Checkout our website .