Since 2002 Advanced Hosting is providing fast and reliable access to the most exciting online projects. We deliver our best to highly loaded online projects: VOD cinemas, ad networks, fin-tech, SaaS and file sharing services.
Today, it operates on Cisco equipment on three continents using channels from world’s best transit providers: Level 3, PCCW Global, Cogent Communications, and IPTP Networks.Advanced Hosting server sites are located in TIER IV data centres in the US, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands.
This provides the highest level of security and 24-hour technical support. We are proud to say that we have a build from the ground up Content Delivery Network (CDN) available to our clients. We are almost the only providers not charging extra for traffic on the asian market for our CDN. We are also making it possible to rent, lease and collocate on our servers and data centres. Virtual private. servers and a brand new cloud solutions service is also available directly from us.