Rebel Networks to Partner with OnApp

Rebel Networks, a web hosting provider and American Diversified Holdings Corporation subsidiary recently announced it has partnered with OnApp, a cloud web hosting infrastructure developer. The two companies will provide cloud hosting services to web hosting providers and directly to customers.
Customization of Cloud Services
Rebel Networks plans to customize cloud services for private and public offerings. These services include servers, bandwidth and SAN storage which will be built around OnApp’s innovative cloud hosting administrative software. Rebel stated it will offer web hosts an easy and cost-effective method of launching their own cloud hosting products and services.
Cost of Entering the Cloud Computing Market

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In recent presentations given at World Hosting Days and the Tier 1 Summit, OnApp representatives discussed the costs of entering the cloud computing market for web hosting companies. Although the costs are not astronomical when utilizing a pre-packaged platform versus customization, the initial costs are significantly higher than an easy entrance into dedicated or shared hosting.
Targeting Hosting Providers
Rebel Networks appears to be targeting the reseller aspect of its cloud services to web hosting businesses that do not boast the resources to make an initial financial investment in the technology.
** Additional Cloud Products**
Currently, Rebel Networks is providing back-end infrastructure to approximately 50 web hosting resellers, many of whom have shown a great deal of interest in offering other cloud-based services. However, these same resellers are not interested in tying their current services into another cloud product.

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Press Release from Rebel Networks
In another press released, Rebel Networks confirmed they are in-line to capture thousands of new resellers by providing turn-key cloud solutions based on OnApp software, WHMCS, Windows or Linux and Dell server systems.
Rebel Networks Company Information
As one of the leading providers of outsourced Internet hosting solutions, Rebel Networks has many products including, managed dedicated servers, unmanaged colocation, domain name services, Cloud, shared and reseller hosting. The company has a 100 percent uptime and availability guarantee.
Rebel Networks does not believe in loyalty as a result of contract. Instead, they see the web hosting business as performance-based and a high level of customer service. Monthly plans do not lock customers into a contract so they are able to see the value high quality service and excellent performance.

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The partnership between Rebel Networks and OnApp will create an excellent synergy between hardware, software and web hosting solutions. It is clear, both tech-companies will benefit from this newfound relationship.